When the inspector is set to "All", it passes all incoming data as is to the plugin - so if your keyboard is transmitting on MIDI channel 3, channl 3 events are wha get sent to the plugin. Whn you change the inspector to, for instance, "1", Logic rechannelises all incoming MIDI data onto MIDI channel 1 for the plugin. The M1 in your screenshot is in combi mode, where multiple patches are set up, layered/split on particular MIDI channels.

So if your M1 combi has three patches all set to receive on MIDI channel 1, and you are sending MIDI channel 3 data to the plugin, the M1 won't do anything. Write down the Authorization Code shown at KORG Software Bundle, and click 'Download '. The Wavestation is most of the time in a straight synth mode, so it will respond to any MIDI channel and play. Click 'Downloads' in the upper left corner. Windows: Download the installer (a zip file), unzip it. Korg M1 Legacy Vst Free Download Korg Legacy Vst Download Korg Vst Instruments Free Download Korg Legacy Vst Plugin Download Torrent Year / Date of Issue: 04.2018 Release: 2018.04. Most mono-timbral synths will tend to not care about the incoming MIDI channel, whereas multi-timbral plugins use the MIDI channel to identify which part to play, so the MIDI channel is important. So, I've notice now that when adding a new track and choosing the M1, it seems to work by default with "All" selected. I'm thinking, from your comments, that this may be due to the fact that the patch I chose once I got it working was not in combi mode.

I'm not sure, but it does seem to just work with "All" now, all of the sudden.